Preventative Dentistry
Regular dental check-ups help keep you healthy and your smile looking great!
During a regular check-up we look for signs of tooth decay, gum disease, oral cancer and other potential problem areas. We also examine your tongue, your glands and the inside of your mouth, as well as check your bite and jaw placement.
Dr. Fundora will clean and polish your teeth and remove plaque build up which can lead to tooth decay or gum disease.
For cleaning severely stained teeth, we use a powerful new combination of micro-ultrasonic prophylaxis and air-polishing to effectively deep clean teeth. The recent advances in Piezoelectric technology allow us to clean teeth quickly and comfortably. The new micro-ultrasonic instrument’s tip vibrates in a single, elliptical motion, contributing to a more accurate, thorough cleaning followed by microjet air-polishing to reach in between teeth and into difficult places that conventional prophylaxis (cleaning) cannot adequately reach.
If you are a new patient, or it’s been a while, we will x-ray your teeth to uncover any problems that cannot be seen by a surface inspection.